Last Week's Links 1-25-21

We hope you are starting your week off well! There is an eye-opening article linked here and below: “Yes, The Pandemic Is Ruining Your Body” that makes some important observations about the physical impact on adults and children that working at home is having on their bodies. Chiropractic is a safe and effective way to reduce or even eliminate these problems without drugs or surgery! Always remember: it’s always better to be PROactive than REactive when it comes to health, and that we are here to help!!
Rom Family Chiropractic
Before we get to the links:
The health and safety of our patients and team is our highest priority. We are continuing to schedule by appointment only to allow for the thorough cleaning of surfaces between visits. We are limiting the number of people in the office at any given time, and we are following other suggested guidelines for safety and prevention to ensure a clean, stress-free environment for everyone.
If this crisis has showed us anything it’s how important it is to have a high level of durable baseline health and resilience—now more than ever!
Here are the links from our Rom Family Chiropractic Facebook page and all the good stuff we posted over the last week!
We like to post things on a wide variety of health topics, but it can all be broken down into 5 broad categories:
- Being well-adjusted
- Eating well
- Moving well
- Thinking well
- Sleeping well
Here are the links we posted from last week:
Children’s Screen Time Has Soared in the Pandemic, Alarming Parents and Researchers
Would we have done it differently for kids, if we knew how long this would last?
“Scientists say that children’s brains, well through adolescence, are considered “plastic,” meaning they can adapt and shift to changing circumstances. That could help younger people again find satisfaction in an offline world but it becomes harder the longer they immerse in rapid-fire digital stimulation.”
Kids need to re-connect with using their bodies–building more movement into their daily routine is an easy place to smart. We are here to help!!
Seeing Others Yawn Selectively Enhances Vigilance: An Eye-Tracking Study of Snake Detection
Are the people around you yawning more after lunch?
…Research says that may make you better able to detect snakes…
Who knew?
Low Vitamin K Status Predicts Mortality in a Cohort of 138 Hospitalized Patients with COVID-19
This study finds that low vitamin K levels are associated with increased COVID-19 mortality.
Vitamin K is also important for healthy bone metabolism and reducing arterial calcification.
Do you get enough vitamin K? We can help!!
Distinct Microbiome and Metabolites Linked with Depression
Chicken or egg?
Depression, gut health, and the microbiome: depression symptoms can influence our diet behavior, so it can influence our gut bacteria and virus characteristics and composition. Then, on the other side, our gut bacteria can influence our brain function and mood.
Exercise at Midlife Linked to Better Brain Health in Late Life
When you exercise, keep in mind that you get the immediate benefits AND the long-term benefits.
Yes, the Pandemic Is Ruining Your Body
We see & help people with this EVERY DAY.
People aren’t just working in more challenging physical circumstances; they’re also spending more time working…
We are here to help!!